Nov 22, 2011
Looks like even though we are broke, the war on drugs has a car load of $$$. The U.S. Department of Defense Counter-Narcoterrorism Technology Program Office (CNTPO) has awarded a contract(s) worth $3B for the following areas.
Danger Room has this to say;
Hell, they even had there own industry day.
So these types of agencies will use the war on drugs to expand their empires & pocket books at the hands of the taxpayer and the blood of innocents.
Estimated MAIDIQ ceiling: A shared ceiling is established for each domain MAIDIQ. The value of each domain ceiling is:ARINC has a nice little racket going on as being the prime on the contract & then handing out the sub's to the various PMC's. Even the infamous Blackwater.
Operations, Logistics, and Minor Construction: $950M
Command, Control, Communications, Information Detection & Monitoring (C31DM): $875M
Training: $975M
Program & Programmatic Support: $240M
Danger Room has this to say;
For the vast majority of people who’ve never heard of CNTPO, the organization answers to the Pentagon’s Special Operations Low-Intensity Conflict Directorate, within the Counternarcotics and Global Threats portfolio. It’s tucked away so deep, bureaucratically speaking, that it doesn’t actually have an office at the Pentagon.
The sprawling contract, ostensibly designed to stop drug-funded terrorism, seeks security firms for missions like “train[ing] Azerbaijan Naval Commandos.” Other tasks include providing Black Hawk and Kiowa helicopter training “for crew members of the Mexican Secretariat of Public Security.” Still others involve building “anti-terrorism/force protection enhancements” for the Pakistani border force in the tribal areas abutting Afghanistan.
The Defense Department’s Counter Narco-Terrorism Program Office has packed all these tasks and more inside a mega-contract for security firms. The office, known as CNTPO, is all but unknown, even to professional Pentagon watchers. It interprets its counternarcotics mandate very, very broadly, leaning heavily on its implied counterterrorism portfolio. And it’s responsible for one of the largest chunks of money provided to mercenaries in the entire federal government.
CNTPO is “essentially planning on outsourcing a global counternarcotics and counterterrorism program over the next several years,” says Nick Schwellenbach, director of investigations for the Project on Government Oversight, “and it’s willing to spend billions to do so.
Hell, they even had there own industry day.
So these types of agencies will use the war on drugs to expand their empires & pocket books at the hands of the taxpayer and the blood of innocents.
Another Crooked A$$ Judge
This POS was sucking up the free $$$ since she was put on paid leave last year. I say make her pay it back or face another set of theft charges.
How many other cases were influenced? This conviction brings into question ALL the trials she presided over.
via Dallas News
How many other cases were influenced? This conviction brings into question ALL the trials she presided over.
via Dallas News
A state district judge and three others have been indicted on multiple bribery charges, the latest in a feud between the first-term jurist and Collin County's district attorney.
Judge Suzanne Wooten, along with her campaign manager, James Stephen Spencer, and David Cary and Stacy Stine Cary, each face six counts of bribery and one count of engaging in organized criminal activity.
The felony charges stem from Wooten's campaign, in which she defeated longtime incumbent Judge Charles Sandoval in the 2008 Republican primary. The indictments accuse the Carys of giving Spencer up to $150,000 to fund Wooten's campaign in exchange for favorable rulings in her 380th District Court.
The indictments give no details about the court cases involved. They describe six payments, ranging from $10,000 to $50,000, and give a date each was deposited. Those dates run from Jan. 4, 2008, to March 14, 2008.
Eurozone Debt Crisis Visualized
Some good & interesting info.
It includes data on EFSF commitments, debt, SGP criteria, employment, trade, pensions, and mortgages. There are multiple dashboards, each with multiple tabs
It includes data on EFSF commitments, debt, SGP criteria, employment, trade, pensions, and mortgages. There are multiple dashboards, each with multiple tabs
Occupy L.A. receives offer to decamp
I'll be dipped in shit & hung out for stink'n.
The no good, work avoiding, hippie look alikes are being offered office space & farm land to leave.
via LA Times
The no good, work avoiding, hippie look alikes are being offered office space & farm land to leave.
via LA Times
Los Angeles officials have offered Occupy L.A. protesters a package of incentives that includes downtown office space and farmland in an attempt to persuade them to abandon their camp outside of City Hall, according to several demonstrators who have been in negotiations with the city.
Lafferty said city officials have offered protesters a $1-a-year lease on a 10,000-square-foot office space near City Hall. He said officials also promised land elsewhere for protesters who wish to farm, as well as additional housing for the contingent of homeless people who joined the camp.
The proposals were received with a mix of excitement, anger and disbelief among protesters, many of whom did not know that members of the camp were in negotiations with city officials.
"It's divide and conquer," another protester said.
Feds fail to get conviction on homemade zip gun, settle for ammo charge
if they can't hang you with what they want, they'll find something.
Gotta keep the conviction rate up. Get krimminals off the streets. Guess they shouldn't be looking in the mirror then.

Gotta keep the conviction rate up. Get krimminals off the streets. Guess they shouldn't be looking in the mirror then.

via Al dot com
Law enforcement officials were not quite sure what to make of the homemade gun that was in Richard Douglas Durham’s bag when Alabama State Troopers pulled him over in May on his way to a motorcycle club meeting in Mobile.
It had a handle wrapped in leather straps protruding from the front of a leather glove and a cylindrical, metal tube coming out the other side. It had no trigger.
Eat a Pig-Spit on allah
Yep, this is one of the reasons I eat pig on Turkey day.
Piss off the muslo-maniacs every chance I can.
via Free North Carolina
Piss off the muslo-maniacs every chance I can.
via Free North Carolina
Better Not Buy Butterball
If you’re going to be at home for Thanksgiving, better buy that turkey quick so it has time to thaw. But unless you’re a Religion of Peacenik, don’t buy it from the Islamopanderers at Butterball:
Customer service representatives from Butterball, one of America’s most popular Turkey brands, confirmed to WND that the company’s whole turkeys are — without being labeled as such — slaughtered according to Islamic “halal” standards.
“Halal slaughter involves cutting the trachea, the esophagus and the jugular vein and letting the blood drain out while saying, ‘Bismillah allahu akbar’ — ‘in the name of Allah the greatest,’” explains Pamela Geller, author of “Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.” “Many people refuse to eat it on religious grounds. Many Christians, Hindus or Sikhs and Jews find it offensive to eat meat slaughtered according to Islamic ritual.”
Forked Tongue Govt. Double Speak
Once more the gobble-dee-gook of governemtnese has snared another victim.
via Yahoo News
via Yahoo News
Massachusetts fishing boat owner Carlos Rafael was elated recently when one of his trawlers snared an 881-pound tuna.
The Standard-Times of New Bedford reports ( the tuna was likely inadvertently snagged as Rafael's crew set a net to catch bottom-dwellers. Federal fishery enforcement agents seized the fish when the crew returned to port Nov. 12.
Rafael had tuna permits, but was told catching tuna with a net is illegal. They must instead be caught with rod and reel.
A fish that big is hugely valuable — a 754pound tuna recently sold for nearly $396,000.
Rafael's fish will be sold overseas. He will likely get a warning and no share of the proceeds if regulators find a violation.
Rafael might give up his tuna permits, saying they're apparently worthless.
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