III Percent Patriots: Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Aug 26, 2011


via Texas Nationalist Movement

It was brought to my attention the other day that not only is the Federal spending in each state disproportionate to the federal taxes paid, but of the ten to receive the most, New Mexico tops out at $ 2.03. In other words, New Mexico receives 100.03% return on their investment. This prodded me to do some more digging and guess what I found? Thirty-three states receive more than 100% of their taxes back in Federal spending and the very coup de gras is this: WASHINGTON, DC RECEIVES $5.55 BACK FOR EVERY DOLLAR THEIR PEOPLE PAY IN TAXES

Aside from the fact that (when you add it all up and do the math) the fiscally irresponsible Feds pay back 125% for every dollar collected (try doing that with your business), the entire process is the pure definition of Socialism; take everyone's money and then re-allocate it wherever the politicians see fit to do so. Additionally, aside from perhaps a few surprises, I am telling you nothing that you do not already know. You and I have accepted this tyranny out of threat of going to jail and having done so, the Federal Government has continued to "test the envelope" by instituting one national program after another that infringes upon our freedoms, like the EPA, the FDA and all of the other acronyms that we have allowed to usurp our rights. Our weak Texas politicians continue to allow the Federal Government to override the Federal and Texas constitutions, implementing laws, procedures and ideas that harm us.

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