III Percent Patriots: Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Apr 10, 2012

Violent Crime Falls, Killing of Officers Rises

They wonder why....I think the picture says it all. Remember, the thin blue line still bleeds red

But yet you see the militarization of the police and their holier-then-thou attitude that they take towards the citizens that have caused these results.

If they were to be peace officers and not LEO's, things might be different.
via NYT
While the F.B.I. and other law enforcement officials cannot fully explain the reasons for the rise in officer homicides, they are clear about the devastating consequences.


  1. eat shit and die mother fuckers

  2. I find it amazing that the study doesn't even touch on the fact that so many citizens consider police a threat, even if the citizen is doing absolutely nothing wrong (well, if that's possible in our country of too many laws).
    I know I was raised to respect the police, but after having an issue with them a couple of years ago, I look at them in a whole different light. The police consider all of us (citizens) a threat and they act accordingly. If the FBI and other LEO can't explain the reasons for the rise in officer homicides, they aren't looking very hard or they won't admit to what they know to be true.
    Miss Violet

  3. Miss V.

    I agree. They don't see the obvious b/c they don't want to. They can't in consider that they might (ARE) the cause.
