III Percent Patriots: Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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May 22, 2012

Dreams of a Skinny Ass Nigger

More crack fueled rantings from the NBP's head skinny ass nigger Shabazz,
  • “I love white-on white-crime, because that is the best crime.”
  • I hate the g*ddamn white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else.”
  • “You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yetyet, yet”
  • He has awet dream about killing the g*ddamn cracker.”
  • We don’t allow faggots and lesbians” in the New Black Panther Army
  • Envisions a world where every black person is “ready to bang on this cracker”
  • Wants to take over neighborhoods “block by block” so “crackers…or even the developer” would be scared to come into them
  • We’re taught to send this cracker to the cemetery… so kiss ‘em goodbye”

New Black Panther Party Spring Newspaper


  1. I figure his punk ass won't fare well if he talks this shit in my neck of the woods.

  2. Damn, I need to subscribe......:) Posted.

  3. I had to laugh when I saw this. And they think we are crazy? ;)

    He wouldn't fare to well down here either Zoomie

  4. AnonymousMay 22, 2012

    Pretty sick.
    Now, there is a magazine being published by The Council of Concervative Citizens that is under attack by the Race baiters. They say it's a racist magazine.
    Whites can't have a magazine, but they can.
    They're gonna write their own defeat in history. But they're killing themselves faster than whites are. Fine with me.
    papa mike

  5. Brock, hope you used an appropriate alias, lol :)

    My guess is these idiots will be surprised-but only for a short time.


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