III Percent Patriots: Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Mar 27, 2012

FSA Road Map

Are you looking for a nice relaxing place to live....NO ZOMBIES?

Are you working up E&E routes?

Planning a hunting party?

Look no further......Here it is all wrapped up in one nice easy to use interactive map.

Drill down to the county level.

See what the FSA are feeding on.  Unemployment...WIC...Medicare, stc.


  1. The highest county I found was in Alaska which surprised me.

  2. Brock, the Alaska listing isn't exactly accurate, because people who live in the rural areas are granted more flexibility for what is called subsistence hunting and other State programs. Thus, they are allowed more "perks", which is bundled into gov't assistance statistics. True, some who live in Alaska are more inclined to choose these FS programs, but overall the majority of people are more self reliant than this map indicates.


    A. All benefit components are equal qualifiers; ie, welfare = soc sec.
    B. All significant benefit revenues components of interest are displayed.

    1. Aging Populations: How does an increase in the aging demographic influence the data regarding projected quality of life issues?

    2. If non-benefit income levels are either static or exhibit slight declines in a stable population, are the indicators skewed by inflationary influences significantly?

    3. If personal incomes from both (a) direct government employment and (b) employment from .gov corporate infrastructure were included as "benefits", how would projected quality of life issues be influenced?
